Too many times you let opportunities to invite fall through the cracks because you are too nervous to ask for the sale. Can I blame you though? You don't know what to say...
Now, you are only a few months away from a complete business breakdown.

The truth?
Most Network Marketers sign customers and team members they have no business signing just to make a dollar…. And they learn this lesson the HARD way
Another truth?
When you sign the wrong people for the wrong reason, your empire will crumble before you know it and you’ll be the one left to pick-up the pieces.
Is it your fault that you’re selling the Network Marketing opportunity all wrong? NO! It’s all you’ve been taught up until this point… it’s all you know. Having to constantly rebuild your team from scratch every year is common but NOT NORMAL!
All of the Instagram gurus out there have you focused on making gimmicky reels and cheesy copy paste captions to get attention. But is this attention helping you sell or make money? NOPE!
Nobody is teaching you:
HOW to properly reach out and invite as a TRUE team leader, until now.
That is the power of...
Your audience doesn’t want to feel like another notch on your business-belt. They want a HIGH QUALITY sales experience when they make the leap to join YOUR team. The best part? A high quality sales experience calls in high quality buyers and team members.
When you change the conversation, you change who enters it.
Business gurus are teaching you to appeal to a low vibe buyer, and low vibe buyers are the ones who fight you tooth and nail and even if they buy, they cancel on their quest for the next flash sale. IGNITE YOUR INVITE strategies push away the low vibe buyers and CALL IN the high ticket buyers who are ready to work with you TODAY!
I AM READY!Here’s a RECAP of What’s Inside:

4 Weeks of Live Hot Seat Coaching Calls with Kayla (Starting in May!)
5 Comprehensive Modules With Immediate Access!
Worksheets to map out your reach out plan!
Swipe Files & Scripts So You Always Know What To Say Without Word Vomit!
Bonus Trainings that 10X your invite confidence!

This is for you if:
The reach out tactics you use while inviting make you feel slimy and aren't working!
You’re attracting the WRONG people into the sales and invite process
You’re signing people that aren’t doing the work
You’re signing people who leave before they ever actually get started
You’re ready to have a business that doesn’t rely on constantly replacing people to hold rank
Don't Miss These Bonuses

How to Turn Friendly Convos into Invites Training

Why We Buy & Why We Buy From You Training

When People Ask “How Much” Training

Get On The Phone: Sales Call Script
Join me starting in May for 4 weeks of LIVE coaching
We’ll help you IGNITE your invite strategy with high level sales coaching to support the work you do with the course to help you sign the right people without begging or chasing.
For a limited time, you can get 1 YEAR of access to The MODES Project WITH Ignite Your Invite LIVE! This isn't a program, or a course. The MODES Project puts you in the driver's seat of your network marketing business.
With the BUNDLE, you'll get access to Ignite Your Invite (4 weeks of LIVE coaching + course), and you'll be granted to a year access of The MODES Project.