Kayla Ybanez Inc
Fulfillment Policy
When you order from Kayla Ybanez Inc all orders are fulfilled electronically.
When you order from Kayla Ybanez Inc all orders are fulfilled electronically. Upon completion of checkout you will receive an email login to your Kajabi membership portal to access all goods that are not delivered in an email or link attachment within 24 hours. Please always check your spam, promo or junk folders.
In some instances you create your own username and password. In that case upon completion of payment you will be redirected to a login page to access your purchases that are not delivered electronically.
At Kayla Ybanez Inc we use secure payment processing through Kajabi, Stripe and Paypal.
Kayla Ybanez Inc electronic deliverables have a no refund policy due to the nature of electronic delivery.
Customer inquiries are handled via email with 48 hours during business days.
For any and all order questions please email [email protected]
When you order from Kayla Ybanez Inc all orders are fulfilled electronically.
When you order from Kayla Ybanez Inc all orders are fulfilled electronically. Upon completion of checkout you will receive an email login to your Kajabi membership portal to access all goods that are not delivered in an email or link attachment within 24 hours. Please always check your spam, promo or junk folders.
In some instances you create your own username and password. In that case upon completion of payment you will be redirected to a login page to access your purchases that are not delivered electronically.
At Kayla Ybanez Inc we use secure payment processing through Kajabi, Stripe and Paypal.
Kayla Ybanez Inc electronic deliverables have a no refund policy due to the nature of electronic delivery.
Customer inquiries are handled via email with 48 hours during business days.