Why People Quit Your Team
Sep 08, 2021
Why do people leave network marketing teams?
Now whether you've been in this business for a few months or a few years, you will know that people leaving to some degree is normal, right? Because for a lot of people, network marketing is a stepping stone. It's not necessarily a full-end game. And so it's really important to know that that's okay.
However, a natural progression of someone leaving is not what we're discussing today. What we're discussing today is when people leave for reasons that are within our control. What makes people leave network marketing teams? I really want you to sit on that and think about what the reasons are. And you can probably list a few out easily. But the root reason from the survey that we took earlier this year, is that people leave due to lack of communication. Now I know when you're hearing this, you're like what, seriously, that's the reason that's an easy fix. And hear the and here's the thing, right? That is true. It is something that that's relatively easy to fix. However, most people aren't willing to commit the time to do the work that is required to fix it, right? Because people leave. And some of it is within your control.
And some of you are thinking that the main reason that people leave is bad leadership, which also came up in the top five reasons why people leave network marketing teams or network marketing altogether. So when you think of bad leadership, I want you to think of a sport a major sport, that’s on TV where there’s a coach that is leading the team. When a coach is so focused on winning the game, that they don't care about the well-being of their players, what usually ends up happening, they end up losing the game. But on the flip side, when the coach focuses on taking care of the players, and the players feel seen, heard supported, truly lead, it seems that they come out swinging right and end up winning the game. And we've seen I'm sure in TV shows and in real life, both of those scenarios play out. That's an example of good leadership versus not-so-good leadership, and how it affects the team.
A lot of these activities like lack of communication, lack of strong leadership, are tied with being a hobbyist in network marketing because hobbyists just have different priorities. Hobbyists aren't concerned with leading others to their own version of success. Hobbyists are concerned about themselves and their own bottom line only. And once they feel like their needs are met, then they will care about their team. But I'm sure a lot of us, unfortunately, found out the hard way that leads to a team that is essentially a house of cards. The second wind blows through the house of cards will crash. Hobbyists are signing anyone with a pulse, who can benefit them. And I want you to think about this too. Why is that bad for business? It's bad because people are brought in for the wrong reasons. They're not in the right headspace to build a business and they certainly aren't prepared for the work that it actually takes. And so this backfires when you find the wrong people, for the wrong reasons, it eats up your time, which as a lot of us have realized now is a resource we can't get back. It eats up our energy because we're pouring into the wrong person, oftentimes with the wrong intentions at the forefront.
And so what happens when we continue to do this time and time again, even when we know better? We end up dragging people in the business that says one thing, but their actions support another. Those individuals tell you what they think you want to hear. And it's this hamster wheel, right? It's this hamster wheel of you sign the wrong person, you drag them, you try to pound belief into them, they have shown up to make you happy. And so you give them more work, and you push them harder and drag them harder, they end up getting frustrated as a result. And now your relationship with this individual is damaged. They quit because they just can't take it anymore. And you're angry and you're upset and you have a bathroom floor break down, but you pick yourself up off the floor and you move on. And you start the process again saying the wrong person, drag them down believe that's the hamster wheel of the business that you're likely and right now.
But you can change things.
You can go from hobbyist to CEO. And when you do this, you're actually going to first off save money. And this is how you're going to be able to stop trying to motivate the wrong people. By buying them gifts and giving away rebates and flash sales and giving away your commission to convince people to join, you're also going to save time, which is a resource you can't get back, You're not wasting time dragging people so you're able to spend less time in your business but achieve even more outcomes than you did before.
So many network marketers right now leave their team with what's best for their own business, not what's best for their downline, their personally sponsored downline. They lead team calls, and they're yelling at people to work harder, work harder. And when they miss their goals, they take it out on their team and tell them that they clearly didn't want it enough. And if they wanted it, they'd work harder. You've definitely have seen this, I've seen it in your DMS. And this is a perfect example of leading with one self-interest versus the interests of their team. And why is this bad? Right? It's leading us to sign the wrong people. Because we have rose-colored glasses on we’re completely ignorant to the fact that this is the wrong person. And we actually can't help them because we're just thinking about ourselves. And sometimes, even when we're building the business the wrong way, we do bring the right people in, sometimes we get lucky. But when you lead the business with only thinking about yourself, this is what leads to the right people quitting. And that's another example of sometimes people quit, and it's natural. But when people who are amazing for this business, quit and lead your team due to your lack of leadership skills. That's an example of something that's your fault, and you get to fix it.
Changing the Approach
So what happens when you change your approach, right?
You lead, you sign the right people, your leaders follow your systems, they're making money, and they're so excited, and they're achieving great entrepreneurial results. And therefore, when they hit their goals, you hit yours.
So when you're making decisions, or you're trying to look at how to lead your team, you're trying to decide since you missed your goal for the month, if you should yell at them. When there is a drive or a goal that I have for myself, and it comes at the price of my leaders, what direction will I go? ask yourself that question.
You have to decide:
Are you willing to sacrifice your leaders to go after your own goal?
Or will you put your goal aside so that you can help them with theirs first?
That's what leadership in the network marketing space looks like. Because when you focus on your own rank and your own income goals, and it comes at the expense of your leaders, you all end up losing. But when you focus on helping your leaders exceed their goals, you hit yours too by default.
What enrollment mistakes are leaders making? They're trying to sign every single person as a distributor, rather than being honest about who is actually ready to build a business. Hobbyists do this all the time. It breaches trust when we do this, it removes the ability to make a commission, which if your goal is to make money, signing the wrong people up as a distributor is not the way to make more money, just spoiler alert. And this also oftentimes places expectations on someone that they're not ready for and it damages your relationship with them. It also creates more work for you as the mentor without any clear benefit hobbyists.
Hobbyist versus CEOS
Hobbyists in the network marketing space might grow. And they might even hit some good ranks. But at what price? They're working 17 days a week, or seven days a week, and 14 hours plus days. Do you want that? Hobbyists are actually making minimum minimal income. Because they have a lot of people that are doing barely anything. They're constantly replacing Business Builders. And what happens is they want to maintain the look of their lifetime rank. But they're barely holding on, they're burnt out, they're beyond exhausted. Hobbyist doesn't mean low rank, there are many high ranked hobbyists, just like there are many low ranked CEOs that are building a strong foundation as they grow. They're taking the road less traveled, it might be a slower road, but it's going to get them there in one piece.
So, as a CEO, what can your business look like? Whatever rank working five days a week, five hour days, if that's what you want, but CEOs have a consistent, predictable income. They have leaders that are hitting slow and steady ranks, their volume is going up, their income is scaling. And that is something that you get to have when you focus on. You're leading your team. And when you think about leading your team, what causes them to quit lack of communication and lack of leadership. And you can help both of those with what we talked about in this episode. And if this content resonated with you, well, I have a treat for you. I've gotten your DMS and you're wondering how you can work with me in a more close capacity, not quite a course. Well, my Surefire CEO mini mind is open for enrollment. And this is the last way to work very closely with me for the rest of 2021. So this is your opportunity to go to the link in the show notes and submit an application. We're very choosy about this program. I'll be honest, we open behind the scenes to people who watched one of my masterclasses, and then the first two days we got over 20 applications and so far we've only sent out nine acceptances. I'm intentional because if I don't believe you're ready for this program, and if this program will not help you that I won't accept you into the program. So, apply for Surefire CEO today and stay tuned for next week's episode to continue the hobbyist to CEO podcast series.