Kayla Ybanez Blog

Stop The Hey Girl Challenge Day 3 Recap

Oct 21, 2020

Where are you on a scale of zero to 10 with your confidence using video for your business? 

Today we're going to be talking about video. Not just your presence on video, but how you can really utilize video to attract and sign clients. It’s about taking someone on that know, like, trust, remember customer journey with ease. It all comes from you showing up as you actually are on video. 

We're not talking about performing, or being something that we're not. We're talking about you showing up on video being who you are and being able to sign clients from that. 

Today’s goal is understanding how to use all the different types of video options that are available to you on Instagram as well as feeling confident enough to record yourself saying your elevator pitch and posting it to Instagram Stories. 

At the end of this, you are going to feel like a brand new woman. You’ll have the confidence to tell people how they can pay you for your expertise. 

Video builds connection

Remember, social media is a marketing tool, not a diary. The biggest thing to think about, especially in 2020, is the amount of personal intimate connection your audience is experiencing through their social media content — it has never been more important than it is right now. 

So if you are not using video in your business as a marketing tool, you are not only leaving money on the table, but you're also affecting your ability to connect to your audience. 

Connecting with your audience helps you build a loyal community of people who love and support you and your brand so much they literally shout your name from the rooftops. 

Building loyalty is more profitable than constantly finding new clients

It costs you a lot more time and money to find new people all the time than it does to attract dream clients who are much more likely to be lifers. 

If you're not using video right now, you might be noticing low enrollment, or people telling you that you're inspiring never signing up. 

How to manage your time across all video platforms

Without losing your mind or giving up your entire day. You do not have time to be overthinking this. We need to simplify the process. The first step to simplifying this process is to know what type of video content goes where. The second step is knowing how to do it properly so you can maximize the time that you're showing up. 

Instagram Stories 

Stories are probably the thing that watch the most that means your audience is as well. 

One of the best ways that you can get people on your stories and keep them there is by being intentional with the type of content that you're creating. People will look forward to coming and watching your stories every day if they know you’re going to give value.

What performs best?

  • Behind the scenes of your brand & projects
    • Vlog Style Content
    • When we feel like we're a part of development with you, we have a connection to your offer before you invite us. We feel like we know you 
  • Short storytelling/mini-training (under 1.5 minutes) 
    • Trainings & Pitching: Adds high value, keeps us coming back for more, gives us quick wins as proof of concept of your unique methodology
  • Social proof & authority building 
    • Animated & engaging screenshots 
    • Show other people asking you questions
    • Show other people shouting you out
    • Share client wins 

Don’t be a talking head

If you're in the same spot for 20 slides, your audience will get bored and leave. Keep your mini-training shorts and mix it up by changing camera angles, changing directions, changing lighting or even changing clothes — throw on a hat, take a hat off. 

Instagram Live to IGTV

Go live and repurpose that content into IGTV (3-5 Minutes)

When you go live, don’t mess around at the start and wait for people, get straight the point and start talking. If you wait for people to join, it’s not engaging and when it’s repurposed into an IGTV, that wasted time at the start will bore people and they won’t watch. 

I know that you are stressed to the max about the thought of going live because what it’s not perfect? You can't edit it so what if you say something stupid? What if nobody shows up? 

None of that stuff matters, just teach your audience something in three to five minutes using the same mini training type of format you would for stories, just in a longer format. 

What performs best?

  • Behind the Scenes Live: Chit Chat, Q&A
  • Social Proof: Interview Clients  

Video starters:

  • "Today I'm going to teach you how ___"
  • "You are going to leave this training with ___" 


Reels allow you to get the most organic reach in a short period of time because the algorithm is still sorting because the feature is brand new. They have the longest lifespan of any other feature and early adopters get rewarded! 

They are going to come out with so many new features to compete TikTok. 

Do we fully understand how to use reels to get in front of people? No. So what is, what is the way that we can make the most of it right now? Create them frequently. 

How to create lots of reels on a limited schedule

Batch record your Reels and save them to your drafts — I can record four in 10 minutes. 

Step 1: Take a mini training you did on Stories or IGTV and adapt it into a Reel. 

Step 2: Record a Reel for each step in your training. If your training had three points, record three videos. 

Step 3:  Start each video the same way

  • Eg. “I'm going to teach you how to attract dream clients, using Instagram Stories part one”

Step 4: Share your tip

Step 5: Subtitle it so you know which video is which inside your drafts. 

Step 6: Save them to your drafts and drip release them throughout the week

Reels on explore page

  • You don't need a caption the Reels on the explore page, a simple one sentence description is all. 
  • Start by posting four to nine videos per week and drip release them throughout the week. 
  • Experiment by posting at different times with different hashtags so you can see what’s performing and what’s not. 

Want to start having authentic conversations in the DMs? Grab my DM Navigator freebie HERE!

Kayla Ybanez is a top industry business coach, international public speaker, and founder of The Modes Project and Ybanez Media. Kayla says goodbye to outdated strategies like icky “hey girl” cold messages and HELLO to changing societal norms about the Network Marketing industry.


Kayla Ybanez is a top industry business coach, international public speaker, and founder of The Modes Project and Ybanez Media. Kayla says goodbye to outdated strategies like icky “hey girl” cold messages and HELLO to changing societal norms about the Network Marketing industry.
